Sunday, January 10, 2016

Laymen's Guide to Quantum Physics

The Dancing Wu Li Masters by Gary Zukav

In the late 1970s when I first read this book, not many everyday people were talking quantum physics, and Gary Zukav's book was lumped into the metaphysical category. Now it is in the science section of bookstore everywhere. He based his writings on the following premises, that if you can't explain it to people, then it cannot be of much use.

The main concept that changed my life from this book was that consciousness affects matter, and the way you think affects more than just the way you see a thing, it actually changes the thing you think about. That sounds like a chaotic way for things to be, and we know chaos is a very active principle in the universe.

Gary explained that when matter is broken down past molecules and atoms, you can observe the basic building blocks of matter, quarks. When quarks are observed, they seem to behave the way the observer expects. They may behave as particles, streams, strings or whatever concept you come up with. Think of that and ponder what ramifications it has on the world as we know it. If quarks make up all matter, what makes different objects? Consciousness is the obvious answer. What makes a chair a chair, a table a table and you you?

Anyway, it was and still is a mind-blowing book that more and more people now comprehend. It changed the way I live my life, the way I speak, the way I act, the way I think. It gave me great responsibility for the life I live, and it gave me hope for the greatest rewards I could conceive and believe. It is one of the great secrets of the universe, and it's laid out for all to understand. It's the Matrix Unraveled. Dive in and see what it brings to you. I'd love to hear your thoughts.  ~Sandy Penny

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